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Rudra Trishati Telugu Pdf

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by clotinswerym1970 2020. 3. 2. 01:57


Lalita trishati The beautiful Lalita Trishati Stotram gives detailed explanations about Sri Vidya, the Sri Chakra Yantra, and the Names of the Divine Mother. The “Sri Lalita Trisati Strotram” is an ancient spiritual text, chanted across India by religious seekers. It is a hymn in praise of the female aspect of the divine.

Sri Lalita Trishati – Namavali. English Meaning Hindi (हिन्दी) Tamil ( தமிழ்) Malayalam (മലയാളം) Telugu (తెలుగు).Author:Zulkigor KajindCountry:CanadaLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:BusinessPublished (Last):27 December 2008Pages:42PDF File Size:9.64 MbePub File Size:6.17 MbISBN:746-7-45771-723-8Downloads:15647Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUploader:The last four letters Shakthi koota starts from the Agna chakra like the soothing light of billions of moon and touches the Lalata Madhya The center of the forehead. Bow I before Her, Who is the Colour of red, Who is mercy of mercies, Who is epitome of beauty, every minute and second Who holds the bow made of sugarcane, And who has arrows which bring happy prosperity. She who is made up with all ornaments since she is you yourself, she wears all your ornaments.Class 4 Verses to In this class, Swamiji details the meanings of each mantra and how they specifically correlate to each level of our perception, Causal, Subtle, or Gross.The followers of Shakthi were called Shakteyas. The second six letters Kama raja koota start from the anahatham with the power and brilliance of billions of sun and touches the Agna Chakra Literally the wheel of command.

To them, the names of Goddess had some divine meaning, which would give them supernatural powers. She who is in the midst of Hrim or She who is the reason of existence of the middle life of the earth. He also has contributed to Shakteya literature by writing a book called Soundarya Lahari. This manthra entire first line is supposed to rise from Mooladhara like the fire in time of deluge and touch the anahatham the basis for food. Sri Vidya Lalita has three forms: Class 3 Verses 1 to The video class goes in-depth with the meanings of each mantra going as far as to explain the meanings of every syllable.She who fills all the world by the holy scent of chewing of betel leaf with ingredients like cardamom, nutmeg, mace, camphor, saffron etc. She who is the common point of worship of all different methods of worship.

Bharatiweb » Lalita Trishati StotramThe mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and translated. The mantras in this text are first chanted in Sanskrit and then translated. In these books sounds were considered extremely important.

The Goddess Lalita not only instructs us on how and when to sing her glories but she trishari describes the lifelong benefits that will be attained. Lalitha TrishathiShe who is the ultimate science of reaching the truth as made known by the god of Kama the god of love. Agasthya is also the saint who is supposed to have originated the Tamil language by writing its first book of grammar. She who has all the good qualities of hreem Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.She who was worshipped by Lord Rama elder brother of Lakshmana. An aspirant who worships Lalita Devi with Her Names will attain many divine qualities. The Sanskrit mantras are first chanted, and translated into English.

Retrieved from ” http: She who is worshipped by Rudra who has an eye in the forehead or She who is worshipped by those yogis with insight. The mantras are trishatu chanted in Sanskrit and then translated and their esoteric meanings are discussed in English. Then Lalitha herself appears before Ttrishati and asks him to teach Agasthya, the most secret of the stotras called Laltha Trishati. Once this is opened the Yogis believed that there is no knowledge in earth and heaven that you did not know.Adi Shankara has written a bhashyam. Twenty names each start from each of the fifteen letters which form the Pancha dasakshari manthra the 15 letter manthra. This entire chapter is in the form of conversation between Hayagreeva and Sage Agasthya. She who is the darling of he who wears elephant skin Shiva.

She who presides over the Kama koti peeta in Kanchipuram literally seat of billions of love.This video class also demonstrates the repetition of the Kadi mantra, the 15th syllable mantra of Sri Vidya. She who has eyes like lotus and Neelotpala flowers which are born in water. They also believed in animal and even human sacrifice.These are contained in the chapter called Lalithopakyanam. She who is praised in the holy books like Vedaspuranas etc. This series of sounds is supposed to start from the baser instincts Compared to a coiled serpent sleeping in The Mooladhara lights one by one the Stomach, the chest and travels through the Sushmna Nadi and blossoms the unopened bud of the Lotus with thousand petals in the brain. He also tells him that.

They also preferred acts over mostly.Also, the establishment of the sacred mantras into the body is discussed, which manifests the divine energy into oneself. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

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॥ अर्धनारीश्वरत्रिशती अथवा ललितारुद्रत्रिशती ॥नमः शिवाभ्यां सरसोत्सवाभ्यां नमस्कृताभीष्टवरप्रदाभ्याम् ।नारायणेनार्चितपादुकाभ्यां नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥ॐ राजराजेश्वर्यै नमः ॐ ।ॐ अर्धनारीश्वराय नमः ॐ ।ॐ हिरण्यबाहवे नमः ॐ ।१. ॐ ककाररूपायै सेनान्ये नमः ॐ ।२. ॐ कल्याण्यै दिशां च पतये नमः ॐ ।३. ॐ कल्याणगुणशालिन्यै वृक्षेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।४. ॐ कल्याणशैलनिलयायै हरिकेशेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।५.

ॐ कमनीयायै पशूनां पतये नमः ॐ ।६. ॐ कलावत्यै सस्पिञ्जराय नमः ॐ ।७.

ॐ कमलाक्ष्यै त्विषीमते नमः ॐ ।८. ॐ कल्मषघ्न्यै पतीनां पतये नमः ॐ ।९. ॐ करुणामृतसागरायै बभ्लुशाय नमः ॐ ।१०. ॐ कदम्बकाननावासायै विव्याधिने नमः ॐ ।११. ॐ कदम्बकुसुमप्रियायै अन्नानां पतये नमः ॐ ।१२. ॐ कन्दर्पविद्यायै हरिकेशाय नमः ॐ ।१३.

ॐ कन्दर्पजनकापाङ्गवीक्षणायै उपवीतिने नमः ॐ ।१४. ॐ कर्पूरवीठी-सौरभ्य-कल्लोलित-ककुप्तटायैपुष्टानां पतये नमः ॐ ।१५. ॐ कलिदोषहरायै भवस्य हेत्ये नमः ॐ ।१६.

ॐ कञ्जलोचनायै जगतां पतये नमः ॐ ।१७. ॐ कम्रविग्रहायै रुद्राय नमः ॐ ।१८. ॐ कर्मादि-साक्षिण्यै आतताविने नमः ॐ ।१९. ॐ कारयित्र्यै क्षेत्राणां पतये नमः ॐ ।२०.

ॐ कर्मफलप्रदायै सूताय नमः ॐ ।२१. ॐ एकाररूपायै अहन्त्याय नमः ॐ ।२२. ॐ एकाक्षर्यै वनानां पतये नमः ॐ ।२३. ॐ एकानेकाक्षराकृत्यै रोहिताय नमः ॐ ।२४. ॐ एतत्तदित्यनिर्देश्यायै स्थपतये नमः ॐ ।२५. ॐ एकानन्दचिदाकृत्यै वृक्षाणां पतये नमः ॐ ।२६. ॐ एवमित्यागमाबोध्यायै मन्त्रिणे नमः ॐ ।२७.

ॐ एकभक्तिमदर्चितायै वाणिजाय नमः ॐ ।२८. ॐ एकाग्र-चित्त-निर्ध्यातायै कक्षाणां पतये नमः ॐ ।२९.

Rudra Trishati Telugu Pdf

ॐ एषणारहिताद्रुतायै भुवन्तये नमः ॐ ।३०. ॐ एलासुगन्धिचिकुरायै वारिवस्कृताय नमः ॐ ।३१. ॐ एनःकूटविनाशिन्यै ओषधीनां पतये न ॐ ।३२. ॐ एकभोगायै उच्चैर्घोषाय नमः ॐ ।३३. ॐ एकरसायै आक्रन्दयते नमः ॐ ।३४. ॐ एकैश्वर्यप्रदायिन्यै पतीनां पतये नमः ॐ ।३५.

ॐ एकातपत्र-साम्राज्य-प्रदायै कृत्सनवीताय नमः ॐ ।३६. ॐ एकान्तपूजितायै धावते नमः ॐ ।३७. ॐ एधमानप्रभायै सत्त्वनां पतये नमः ॐ ।३८.

ॐ एजत् अनेक जगदीश्वर्यै सहमानाय नमः ॐ ।३९. ॐ एकवीरादिसंसेव्यायै निव्याधिने नमः ॐ ।४०. ॐ एकप्रभावशालिन्यै आव्याधिनीनां पतये नमः ॐ ।४१. ॐ ईकाररूपायै ककुभाय नमः ॐ ।४२. ॐ ईशित्र्यै निषङ्गिणे नमः ॐ ।४३. ॐ ईप्सितार्थप्रदायिन्यै स्तेनानां पतये नमः ॐ ।४४.

ॐ ईदृगित्यविनिर्देश्यायै कृपासमुद्राय नमः ॐ ।?४५. ॐ ईश्वरत्वविधायिन्यै इषुधिमते नमः ॐ ।४६. ॐ ईशानादिब्रह्ममय्यै तस्कराणां पतये नमः ॐ ।४७. ॐ ईशित्वाद्यष्टसिद्धिदायै वञ्चते नमः ॐ ।४८. ॐ ईक्षित्र्यै परिवञ्चते नमः ॐ ।४९. ॐ ईक्षणसृष्टाण्डकोट्यै स्तायूनां पतये नमः ॐ ।५०.

ॐ ईश्वरवल्लभायै निचेरवे नमः ॐ ।५१. ॐ ईडितायै परिचराय नमः ॐ ।५२. ॐ ईश्वरार्द्धाङ्गशरीरायै अरण्यानां पतये नमः ॐ ।५३. ॐ ईशाधिदेवतायै सृकाविभ्यो नमः ॐ ।५४. ॐ ईश्वरप्रेरणकर्यै जिघांसद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।५५. ॐ ईशताण्डवसाक्षिण्यै मुष्णतां पतये नमः ॐ ।५६.

ॐ ईश्वरोत्सङ्गनिलयायै असिमद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।५७. ॐ ईतिबाधाविनाशिन्यै नक्तंचरद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।५८. ॐ ईहाविरहितायै प्रकृन्तानां पतये नमः ॐ ।५९. ॐ ईशशक्त्यै उष्णीषिणे नमः ॐ ।६०.

ॐ ईषत्स्मिताननायै गिरिचराय नमः ॐ ।६१. ॐ लकाररूपायै कुलुञ्चानां पतये नमः ॐ ।६२. ॐ ललितायै इषुमद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।६३. ॐ लक्ष्मीवाणीनिषेवितायै धन्वाविभ्यो नमः ॐ ।६४. ॐ लाकिन्यै दयाकराय नमः ॐ ।६५. ॐ ललनारूपायै आतन्वानेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।६६.

Rudra Namakam Telugu Lyrics

ॐ लसद्दाडिमीपाटलायै प्रतिदधानेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।६७. ॐ ललन्तिका-लसत्फालायै प्रकटितफलेम्यो नमः ॐ ।६८. ॐ ललाट-नयनार्चितायै अयच्छद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।६९. ॐ लक्षणोज्वलदिव्याङ्ग्यै विसृजद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।७०. ॐ लक्षकोट्यण्डनायिकायै अन्तरङ्गेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।७१. ॐ लक्ष्यार्थायै अस्यद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।७२. ॐ लक्षणागम्यायै विध्यद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।७३.

ॐ लब्धकामायै आत्येभ्यो नमः ॐ ।७४. ॐ लतातनवे आसीनेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।७५.

ॐ ललामराजदलिकायै शयानेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।७६. ॐ लम्बिमुक्तालताञ्चितायै सद्यभावेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।७७. ॐ लम्बोदरप्रसवे स्वपद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।७८.

ॐ लभ्यायै जाग्रद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।७९. ॐ लज्जाढ्यै सात्येभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८०. ॐ लयवर्जितायै तिष्ठद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।८१. ॐ ह्रीङ्काररूपायै धावद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।८२. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारनिलयायै सायं ताण्डवसम्भ्रमाय नमः ॐ ।८३.

ॐ ह्रीम्मपदप्रियायै सभाभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८४. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारबीजायै सभापतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८५.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारमन्त्रायै त्रयीवेद्ध्याय नमः ॐ ।८६. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारलक्षणायै अश्वेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारजपसुप्रीतायै अश्वपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८८. ॐ ह्रीम्मत्यै अस्तोकत्रिभुवनशिवेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।८९.

ॐ ह्रींविभूषणायै आव्याधिनीभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९०. ॐ ह्रींशीलायै विविध्यन्तीभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९१. ॐ ह्रीम्पदाराध्यायै चिदालम्बेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९२. ॐ ह्रीङ्गर्भायै उगणाभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९३. ॐ ह्रीम्पदाभिधायै तृँहतीभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९४. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारवाच्यायै त्रिनयनेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९५.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारपूज्यायै गृत्सेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९६. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारपीठिकायै गृत्सपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारवेद्यायै कात्यायनी श्रेयसे नमः ॐ ।९८. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारचिन्त्यायै व्रातेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।९९.

ॐ ह्रीं व्रातपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१००. ॐ ह्रींशरीरिण्यै जटाभारोदारेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०१. ॐ हकाररूपायै गणेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०२. ॐ हलधृत्पूजितायै गणपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०३. ॐ हरिणेक्षणायै श्रीशैलवासिने नमः ॐ ।१०४.

ॐ हरप्रियायै विरूपेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०५. ॐ हराराध्यायै विश्वरूपेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०६. ॐ हरिब्रह्मेन्द्रसेवितायै मृगधरेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०७. ॐ हयारूढासेविताङ्घ्र्यै महद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०८. ॐ हयमेधसमर्चिताये क्षुल्लकेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१०९. ॐ हर्यक्षवाह्नायै चूडालङ्कृतशशिकलेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११०.

ॐ हंसवाहनायै रथिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१११. ॐ हतदानवायै अरथेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११२. ॐ हत्यादिपापशमन्यै आम्नायान्तसञ्चारिणे नमः ॐ ।११३. ॐ हरिदश्वादिसेवितायै रथेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११४.

ॐ हस्तिकुम्भोत्तुङ्गकुचायै रथपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११५. ॐ हस्तिकृत्तिप्रियाङ्गनायै चलत् उरगहाराय नमः ॐ ।११६. ॐ हरिद्राकुङ्कुमदिग्धायै सेनाभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११७. ॐ हर्यश्वाद्यमरार्चितायै सेनानिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११८. ॐ हरिकेशसख्यै त्रिपुरहरेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।११९. ॐ हादिविद्यायै क्षत्तृभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२०.

ॐ हालामदालसायै सङ्ग्रहीतृभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२१. ॐ सकाररूपायै समस्तसंहारकताण्डवाय नमः ॐ ।१२२. ॐ सर्वज्ञायै तक्षभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२३. ॐ सर्वेश्यै रथकारेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२४. ॐ सर्वमङ्गळायै करुणापूरितदृशिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२५. ॐ सर्वकर्त्र्यै कुलालेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२६.

ॐ सर्वभर्त्र्यै कर्मारेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२७. ॐ सर्वहंर्त्र्यै नित्याय नमः ॐ ।१२८. ॐ सनातन्यै पुञ्जिष्टेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१२९. ॐ सर्वानवद्यायै निषादेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३०.

ॐ सर्वाङ्गसुन्दर्यै नित्यानन्दाय नमः ॐ ।१३१. ॐ सर्वसाक्षिण्यै इषुकृद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३२. ॐ सर्वात्मिकायै धन्वकृद्भ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३३.

ॐ सर्वसौख्यदात्र्यै पदाम्बुजयुगलेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३४. ॐ सर्वविमोहिन्यै मृगयुभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३५.

ॐ सर्वाधारायै श्वनिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३६. ॐ सर्वगतायै सम्स्तूयमानाय नमः ॐ ।१३७. ॐ सर्वावगुणवर्जितायै श्वभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३८.

Rudra Trishati Telugu Pdf Full

ॐ सर्वारुणायै श्वपतिभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१३९. ॐ सर्वमात्रे भवत्पदकोष्टेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।१४०. ॐ सर्वाभरणभूषितायै भवाय नमः ॐ ।१४१. ॐ ककारार्थायै मृत्युञ्जयाय नमः ॐ ।१४२. ॐ कालहन्त्र्यै शर्वाय नमः ॐ ।१४३. ॐ कामेश्यै पशुपतये नमः ॐ ।१४४. ॐ कामितार्थदायै नीलग्रीवाय नमः ॐ ।१४५.

ॐ कामसञ्जीविन्यै शितिकण्ठाय नमः ॐ ।१४६. ॐ कल्यायै कपर्दिने नमः ॐ ।१४७. ॐ कठिनस्तनमण्डलायै व्युप्तकेशाय नमः ॐ ।१४८. ॐ करभोरवे सहस्राक्षाय नमः ॐ ।१४९. ॐ कलानाथमुख्यै शतधन्वने नमः ॐ ।१५०.

ॐ कचजिताम्बुदायै गिरिशाय नमः ॐ ।१५१. ॐ कटाक्षस्यन्दिकरुणायै शिपिविष्टाय नमः ॐ ।१५२. ॐ कपालिप्राणनायिकायै मीढुष्टमाय नमः ॐ ।१५३. ॐ कारुण्यविग्रहायै इषुमते नमः ॐ ।१५४.

ॐ कान्तायै ह्रस्वाय नमः ॐ ।१५५. ॐ कान्तिधूतजपावल्ल्यै वामनाय नमः ॐ ।१५६. ॐ कलालापायै बृहते नमः ॐ ।१५७. ॐ कम्बुकण्ठ्यै वर्षीयसे नमः ॐ ।१५८. ॐ करनिर्जितपल्ल्वायै वृद्धाय नमः ॐ ।१५९. ॐ कल्पवल्लीसमभुजायै संवृध्वने नमः ॐ ।१६०. ॐ कस्तूरीतिलकाञ्चितायै अग्रियाय नमः ॐ ।१६१.

ॐ हकारार्थायै प्रथमाय नमः ॐ ।१६२. ॐ हंसगत्यै आशवे नमः ॐ ।१६३. ॐ हाटकाभरणोज्वलायै अजिराय नमः ॐ ।१६४. ॐ हारहारिकुचाभोगायै शीघ्रियाय नमः ॐ ।१६५.

ॐ हाकिन्यै शीभ्याय नमः ॐ ।१६६. ॐ हल्यवर्जितायै ऊर्म्याय नमः ॐ ।१६७. ॐ हरित्पतिसमाराध्यायै अवस्वन्याय नमः ॐ ।१६८.

ॐ हठात्कारहतासुरायै स्रोतस्याय नमः ॐ ।१६९. ॐ हर्षप्रदायै द्वीप्याय नमः ॐ ।१७०. ॐ हविर्भोक्त्र्यै ज्येष्ठाय नमः ॐ ।१७१. ॐ हार्दसन्तमसापहायै कनिष्ठाय नमः ॐ ।१७२. ॐ हल्लीहालास्यसन्तुष्टायै पूर्वजाय नमः ॐ ।१७३. ॐ हंसमन्त्रार्थरूपिण्यै अपरजाय नमः ॐ ।१७४. ॐ हानोपादाननिर्मुक्तायै मध्यमाय नमः ॐ ।१७५.

ॐ हर्षिण्यै अपगल्भाय नमः ॐ ।१७६. ॐ हरिसोदर्यै जघन्याय नमः ॐ ।१७७. ॐ हाहाहूहूमुखस्तुत्यायै बुध्नियाय नमः ॐ ।१७८. ॐ हानिवृद्धिविवर्जितायै सोभ्याय नमः ॐ ।१७९. ॐ हय्यङ्गवीनहृदयायै प्रतिसर्याय नमः ॐ ।१८०. ॐ हरिकोपारुणांशुकायै याम्याय नमः ॐ ।१८१.

ॐ लकाराख्यायै क्षेम्याय नमः ॐ ।१८२. ॐ लतापूज्यायै उर्वर्याय नमः ॐ ।१८३. ॐ लयस्थित्युद्भवेर्श्व्यै खल्याय नमः ॐ ।१८४. ॐ लास्यदर्शनसन्तुष्टायै श्लोक्याय नमः ॐ ।१८५.

ॐ लाभालाभविवर्जितायै अवसान्याय नमः ॐ ।१८६. ॐ लङ्घ्येतराज्ञायै वन्याय नमः ॐ ।१८७. ॐ लावण्यशालिन्यै कक्ष्याय नमः ॐ ।१८८.

ॐ लघुसिद्धिदायै श्रवाय नमः ॐ ।१८९. ॐ लाक्षारससवर्णाभायै प्रतिश्रवाय नमः ॐ ।१९०. ॐ लक्ष्मणाग्रजपूजितायै आशुषेणाय नमः ॐ ।१९१.

ॐ लभ्येतरायै आशुरथाय नमः ॐ ।१९२. ॐ लब्धभक्तिसुलभायै शूराय नमः ॐ ।१९३. ॐ लाङ्गलायुधायै अवभिन्दते नमः ॐ ।१९४. ॐ लग्नचामरहस्तश्रीशारदापरिवीजितायै वर्मिणे नमः ॐ ।१९५.

ॐ लज्जापदसमाराध्यायै वरूथिने नमः ॐ ।१९६. ॐ लम्पटायै बिल्मिने नमः ॐ ।१९७. ॐ लकुळेश्वर्यै कवचिने नमः ॐ ।१९८. ॐ लब्धमानायै श्रुताय नमः ॐ ।१९९.

ॐ लब्धरसायै श्रुतसेनाय नमः ॐ ।२००. ॐ लब्धसम्पत्समुन्नत्यै दुन्दुभ्याय नमः ॐ ।२०१. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारिण्यै आहनन्याय नमः ॐ ।२०२. ॐ ह्रीङ्काराद्यायै धृष्णवे नमः ॐ ।२०३. ॐ ह्रीम्मध्यायै प्रमृशाय नमः ॐ ।२०४. ॐ ह्रींशिखामणये दूताय नमः ॐ ।२०५. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारकुण्डाग्निशिखायै प्रहिताय नमः ॐ ।२०६.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारशशिचन्द्रिकायै प्रपञ्चरक्षकाय नमः ॐ ।२०७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारभास्कररुच्यै इषुधिमते नमः ॐ ।२०८.

ॐ ह्रीङ्काराम्भोदचञ्चलायै तीक्ष्णेषवे नमः ॐ ।२०९. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारकन्दाङ्कुरिकायै आयुधिने नमः ॐ ।२१०. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारैकपरायणायै स्वायुधाय नमः ॐ ।२११. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारदीर्धिकाहंस्यै सुधन्वने नमः ॐ ।२१२. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारोद्यानकेकिन्यै स्त्रुत्याय नमः ॐ ।२१३. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारारण्यहरिण्यै पथ्याय नमः ॐ ।२१४.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारावालवल्लर्यै काट्याय नमः ॐ ।२१५. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारपञ्जरशुक्यै नीप्याय नमः ॐ ।२१६. ॐ ह्रीङ्काराङ्गणदीपिकायै सूद्याय नमः ॐ ।२१७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारकन्दरासिंह्यै सरस्याय नमः ॐ ।२१८. ॐ ह्रीङ्काराम्भोजभृङ्गिकायै नाद्याय नमः ॐ ।२१९. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारसुमनोमाध्व्यै वैशन्ताय नमः ॐ ।२२०. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारतरुमञ्जर्यै कूप्याय नमः ॐ ।२२१.

ॐ सकाराख्यायै अवट्याय नमः ॐ ।२२२. ॐ समरसायै वर्ष्याय नमः ॐ ।२२३. ॐ सकलागमसंस्तुततायै अवर्ष्याय नमः ॐ ।२२४. ॐ सर्ववेदान्ततात्पर्यभूम्यै मेघ्याय नमः ॐ ।२२५. ॐ सदसदाश्रयायै विद्युत्याय नमः ॐ ।२२६. ॐ सकलायै ईध्रियाय नमः ॐ ।२२७. ॐ सच्चिदानन्दायै अतप्याय नमः ॐ ।२२८.

ॐ साध्व्यै वात्याय नमः ॐ ।२२९. ॐ सद्गतिदायिन्यै रेष्मियाय नमः ॐ ।२३०. ॐ सनकादिमुनिध्येयायै वास्तव्याय नमः ॐ ।२३१. ॐ सदाशिवकुटुमम्बिन्यै वास्तुपाय नमः ॐ ।२३२. ॐ सकलाधिष्ठानरूपायै सोमाय नमः ॐ ।२३३. ॐ सत्त्यरूपायै त्र्यम्बकाय नमः ॐ ।२३४.

ॐ समाकृत्यै ताम्राय नमः ॐ ।२३५. ॐ सर्वप्रपञ्चनिर्मात्र्यै अरुणाय नमः ॐ ।२३६.

ॐ समानाधिकवर्जितायै शङ्गाय नमः ॐ ।२३७. ॐ सर्वोत्तुङ्गायै पशुपतये नमः ॐ ।२३८.

ॐ सङ्गहीनायै उग्राय नमः ॐ ।२३९. ॐ सगुणायै भीमाय नमः ॐ ।२४०.

ॐ सकलेष्टदायै अग्रेवधाय नमः ॐ ।२४१. ॐ ककारिण्यै दूरेवधाय नमः ॐ ।२४२. ॐ काव्यलोलायै हन्त्रे नमः ॐ ।२४३. ॐ कामेश्वरमनोहरायै हनीयसे नमः ॐ ।२४४. ॐ कामेश्वरप्राणनाङ्यै वृक्षेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२४५. ॐ कामेशोत्सङ्गवासिन्यै हरिकेशेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२४६.

ॐ कामेश्वरालिङ्गिताङ्ग्यै ताराय नमः ॐ ।२४७. ॐ कामेश्वरसुखप्रदायै शम्भवे नमः ॐ ।२४८. ॐ कामेश्वरप्रणयिन्यै मयोभवे नमः ॐ ।२४९.

ॐ कामेश्वरविलासिन्यै शङ्कराय नमः ॐ ।२५०. ॐ कामेश्वरतपस्सिद्ध्यै मयस्कराय नमः ॐ ।२५१.

ॐ कामेश्वरमनःप्रियायै शिवाय नमः ॐ ।२५२. ॐ कामेश्वरप्राणनाथायै शिवतराय नमः ॐ ।२५३. ॐ कामेश्वरविमोहिन्यै तीर्थ्याय नमः ॐ ।२५४. ॐ कामेश्वरब्रह्मविद्यायै कूल्याय नमः ॐ ।२५५. ॐ कामेश्वरगृहैश्वर्यै पार्याय नमः ॐ ।२५६.

ॐ कामेश्वराह्लादकर्यै अवार्याय नमः ॐ ।२५७. ॐ कामेश्वरमहेश्वर्यै प्रतरणाय नमः ॐ ।२५८.

ॐ कामेश्वर्यै उत्तरणाय नमः ॐ ।२५९. ॐ कामकोटिनिलयायै आतार्याय नमः ॐ ।२६०. ॐ काङ्क्षितार्थदायै आलाद्याय नमः ॐ ।२६१. ॐ लकारिण्यै शष्प्याय नमः ॐ ।२६२. ॐ लब्धरूपायै फेन्याय नमः ॐ ।२६३. ॐ लब्यधिये सिकत्याय नमः ॐ ।२६४.

ॐ लब्धवाञ्छितायै प्रवाह्याय नमः ॐ ।२६५. ॐ लब्धपापमनोदूरायै इरिण्याय नमः ॐ ।२६६. ॐ लब्धाहङ्कारदुर्गमायै प्रपथ्याय नमः ॐ ।२६७. ॐ लब्धशक्त्यै किँशिलाय नमः ॐ ।२६८. ॐ लब्धदेहायै क्षयणाय नमः ॐ ।२६९. ॐ लब्धैश्वर्यसमुन्नत्यै आगमादिसन्नुताय नमः ॐ ।२७०.

ॐ लब्धबुद्धये पुलस्तये नमः ॐ ।२७१. ॐ लब्धलीलायै गोष्ठ्याय नमः ॐ ।२७२. ॐ लब्धयौवनशालिन्यै गृह्याय नमः ॐ ।२७३.

ॐ लब्धातिशयसर्वाङ्गसौन्दर्यायै तल्प्याय नमः ॐ ।२७४. ॐ लब्धविभ्रमायै गेह्याय नमः ॐ ।२७५. ॐ लब्धरागायै काट्याय नमः ॐ ।२७६. ॐ लब्धपत्यै गह्वरेष्ठाय नमः ॐ ।२७७. ॐ लब्धनानागमस्थित्यै हृदय्याय नमः ॐ ।२७८.

ॐ लब्धभोगायै निवेष्प्याय नमः ॐ ।२७९. ॐ लब्धसुखायै पाँसव्याय नमः ॐ ।२८०. ॐ लब्धहर्षाभिपूजितायै रजस्याय नमः ॐ ।२८१. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारमूर्त्यै शुष्क्याय नमः ॐ ।२८२. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारसौधशृङ्गकपोतिकायै हरित्याय नमः ॐ ।२८३.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारदुग्धाब्धिसुधायै लोप्याय नमः ॐ ।२८४. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारकमलेन्दिरायै उलप्याय नमः ॐ ।२८५.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारमणिदीपार्चिषे ऊर्व्याय नमः ॐ ।२८६. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारतरुशारिकायै सूर्म्याय नमः ॐ ।२८७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारपेटकमणये पर्ण्याय नमः ॐ ।२८८. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारदर्शबिम्बिकायै पर्णशद्याय नमः ॐ ।२८९. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारकोशासिलतायै अपगुरमाणाय नमः ॐ ।२९०.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारास्थाननर्तक्यै अभिघ्नते नमः ॐ ।२९१. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारशुक्तिकामुक्तामणये आख्खिदते नमः ॐ ।२९२. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारबोधितायै प्रख्खिदते नमः ॐ ।२९३. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारमयसौवर्णस्तम्भविद्रुमपुत्रिकायैजगज्जनन्यै जगदेक पित्रे नमः ॐ ।२९४. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारवेदोपनिषदायै किरिकेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२९५. ॐ ह्रीङ्काराध्वरदक्षिणायै देवानाँ हृदयेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२९६.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारनन्दनारामनवकल्पकवल्ल्यै विक्षीणकेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२९७. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारहिमवद्गङ्गायै विचिन्वत्केभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२९८.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारार्णवकौस्तुभायै आनिर्हतेभ्यो नमः ॐ ।२९९. ॐ ह्रीङ्कारमन्त्रसर्वस्वायै आमीवत्केभ्यो नमः ॐ ।३००.

ॐ ह्रीङ्कारपरसौख्यदायै श्रीमन्महादेवाय नमो नमः ॐ ।एषा सा साक्षिणी शक्तिः शङ्करस्यापि शङ्करी ।शिवाभिन्ना तया हीनः शिवः साक्षान्निरर्थकः ॥आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहम् ।पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिः ॥सञ्चारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरः ।यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम् ॥निधे नित्यस्मेरे निरवधिगुणे नीतिनिपुणे ।निरागा ज्ञाने नियमपरचित्तैक निलये ॥नियत्या निर्मुक्ते निखिल निगमान्तस्तुतपदे ।निरातङ्गे नित्ये निगमय ममापि स्तुतिमिमाम् ॥Proofread by PSA EaswaranPreface by Dr. ArdhanareeswaraThe Shiva-Lingam is a symbol of Lord Shiva. When you look at theLingam, your mind is at once elevated and you begin to think ofthe Lord. The word Lingam is derived from the two Sanskrit wordslaya (dissolution) and agaman (re-creation). Thus, shivalingasymbolizes that entity in which the creation merges at thetime of dissolution and out of which the universe reappearsat the beginning of the new cycle of creation.Thus, it is Shiva the destructive form of the Almighty, whois represented by the Lingam or Mark, which is manifestly theCREATIVE power of Divinity, the divine symbol that is utterlysublime Light (Jyoti) in its philosophical underpinnings.One of the 64 manifestations of Shiva - the man-womanform with Parvati constituting the left half of Shiva isArdhanareeswara. This is a much-hailed form in scriptures ofvarious languages.Mother Shakthi once propitiated Lord Shiva with such ferventintensity that she be part of him in body and mind. Her pleasedhusband through his divine powers granted her this wish.

TheMaster then absorbed her in half of himself and thus was createdthe half-man half-woman aspect of Lord Shiva, symbolizingthe oneness of all beings. One can state that even In Genderdefinition, this aspect became the fundamental root of Advaitha.This fusion of Shiva and Shakthi representing the maleand female halves transcends the distinction between andlimitation of male and female and takes the Lord to the levelof beyond-gender manifest Brahman, realization of which meansliberation.Shakthi part is golden, while Shiva part is snow-white. Sheis substrate and He is substance. Shiva is static; Shakthi isdynamic and creative. Shiva is Being and Shakthi is Becoming.

Heis One; She is many; He is Infinite and She renders the Infiniteinto finite; He is formless and She renders the Formless intomyriad forms; but both are one. Shiva and Shakthi exist inNirmala Turiya state (Stainless Purity).When it comes to worship of Ardhanareeswara, some worship theShiva aspect and some worship the Shakthi aspect. Shiva isviewed as the Holder of Power, though he is inert. Shiva isShava (dead body) without Shakthi. All that power in creation,maintenance, and dissolution rests with Shakthi. But the GreatMother does not exist without Shiva. When they become one,Ardhanareeswara becomes, a being of generative and constructiveforce.Philosophically, this form portrays the boundless Grace ofGod.

The formless God is called parashiva. On Its own free-willfor the benefit of pashus (souls), which are drowned in pAsha(bondage), It thinks to create the worlds. Its dynamism ofcreation thus springs out of It, which is called Shakthi.

NowShiva and Its power Shakthi create everything. This isthe form of their togetherness that makes every existenceactive. Shiva and Shakthi are one and the same Supreme mayalso act independently. They are associated like the personand the action of the person. They are one and the same likethe ice and the water - one becomes the other. Poet Kalidasahails them as inseparable like the word and its meaning,the letter and pronunciation!!“vAk arthA viva samprakthau vAkartha pprathipathayae jagatha:pithrau vandhe parvathi parameshwarau “ From time immemorialthe man-woman relationship has always dominated the very fabricof civilization.

Whether it is the western theory of creation,that of Adam and Eve, or the Indian concept of Purusha andPrakriti, the very core of civilization stems from the conceptof the union of the male and the female.Shiva and Shakthi are compared to gold and gold ornaments;they are same; Shiva is hypostasis and when this force fuseswith Shakthi results in multitude of manifestations.Legends:We find many references in our ancient puranas, regarding theorigin of this Supreme form. Brahma the creator of the universe,crafted the cosmos as per the divine instruction. He made allthe living beings and yet could not find any development. Thebeautiful world remained lifeless without any expansion. Themaker was very much worried.

A heavenly voice instructed him tocommence creation with the help of copulative activities. ButBrahma was finding it impossible since all the forms had beeninert (males) till then.

At this instance the supreme form ofArdhanareeshwara manifested. Brahma contemplated on this form ofShiva - Shakti. The Lord became very pleased with him revealedhis Ardhanari form- Left side of his body resembled like awoman while the right side appeared like a man. Lord Brahmaworshipped this form of Shiva and the Lord then separatedthe feminine part of his body and thus manifested motherShakti. Lord Brahma worshipped her and requested to bestow suchpower by which he could create a woman.

Goddess Shakti blessedhim by saying - 'So be it' and vanished. This way Lord Brahmabecame capable of commencing copulative creation.

It was onlythen that Brahma realized his mistake and created a woman,and Srishti or creation began.In another episode, Goddess Umadevi once playfully closed theeyes of her beloved, which plunged the world into darkness. Allliving beings suffered in the dark.

The universal mother feltfor her folly and separated herself from her companion. Motherstarted worshipping Lord Shiva in the form of Linga to absolveherself of this sin and to reunite with him. Lord Vishnu,(or Adi Kesava Perumal, enshrined at Thiruchenkode, a uniqueArdhanareeshwara temple) instructed Shakthi on the KedaraGowri Vratam to be performed to unite with Shiva. When shereached Kancheepuram, Lord Shiva ordered her to proceed toThiruvannamalai and do her penance. Likewise Mother Parvathidid penance at Pavalakundru with the help of Saint Gowthama. Ademon called Makishasuran disturbed the penance of MotherParvathi.

The Mother took the form of goddess Durga Deviand destroyed him on the full moon day of the Tamil Monthof Karthigai during the auspicious period of pradosham. LordShiva presented himself in the form of Fire atop the hill andmerged Goddess Parvathi on the left half of his body. Thisday of Supreme merger is celebrated as Karthigai Deepam. Tocommemorate this event, every year during the festival ofAnnamalai Deepam, Lord Arthanareeswaramurthi presents himselfas Jyothi Swaroopa to his devotees.Another famous anecdote of Ardhanareeshwra is related to SageBringi.

Sage Bringi was one of the ardent devotees of LordShiva who considered that Shiva grace is the ultimate sourcefor existence. He was a violent votary of Lord Shiva to theexclusion of any deity in the worship including Parvathi!

Herefused to worship Shakthi, a woman. Even during his dailyworship, he would circumbulate only the Lord ignoring MotherShakthi, with a flashing spark of arrogance. The divinecouple wanted to enlighten the sage and hence assumed thisunique form sharing his body with Parvathi. The couple tookthe form of Ardhanareeshwara and stood unified inseparable toevery atom. Even then the egoistic sage took the form of abee (Bringa in Sanskrit stands for Bee and the sage came tobe called Bhringi.) and tried to pierce through the body ofthe Lord so that he could go around only the Shiva part. Inevery human body the static force of Shiva constituted thebone and the skin and the dynamic force of Shakthi triggeredthe blood and flesh.

Goddess Shakti, being the power as thename indicates, pulled out her energy from Bringi's body. Nowhe was a mere skeleton and was even unable to stand. The Lordpacified Parvathi and gave the sage one more leg to stand.